Member commentary: Considering why parents encourage their children to diet and how to break the cycle
Associate Director Dr. Julie Lumeng and members Dr. Kate Bauer and Dr. Kendrin Sonneville’s new commentary on parenting in an obesogenic environment. Read it here.
Momentum Center 5 Year Impact Report Now Available!
Check out our Momentum Center 5 Year Impact Report (2013 – 2017) to find out the details of what we have been up to!
How Children Use Electronic Devices and Screen Addiction
Research by member Dr. Sarah Domoff suggests that how children use electronic devices — not how much time they spend on them — is the strongest predictor of emotional or social problems connected with screen addiction. Read about it here.
Do Parents Make Kids Fat?
Momentum Center Associate Director Dr. Julie Lumeng was quoted in a New York Times article titled “Do Parents Make Kids Fat?”, exploring if parents determine their children’s eating habits. Read the article here.
2018 Summer Internship Application is Live!
The Momentum Center Student Summer Internship program provides summer stipend support for students to pursue research interests related to childhood obesity. Applications for Summer 2018 funding are due by 5 p.m. on January 26th. For details on 2018, go here.
11/29 seminar: Remote Food Photography Method to Measure Dietary Intake
Join us on Wed, November 29th from 1:00 – 2:00 in room 1680 at the School of Public Health (building I) to hear from speaker Corby K. Martin, PhD, clinical psychologist and Director of the Ingestive Behavior Laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. In this seminar, Dr. Martin will introduce the Remote Food Photography Method…
How Not to Talk to a Child Who is Overweight
Read this New York Times article that includes quotes from Momentum Center member Dr. Kate Bauer.
Momentum Center members present at U-M Feast of Ideas
The Feast of Ideas is an intellectual sampler of U-M’s academic excellence, with faculty from diverse disciplines presenting 20-minute talks at Ann Arbor shops, restaurants and cafes. All talks are free and open to the public. This event will take place the evening of Thursday, October 26, 2017. Two Momentum Center members will be presenting: Dr. Bauer…
We Are Public Health: Dr. Karen Peterson
Dr. Peterson, Momentum Center Director, was featured in We Are Public Health. Read about her and her work here.
2017 Pilot and Feasibility Awards Announced
Three cross-disciplinary research projects related to child obesity have been awarded pilot and feasibility funding from the Momentum Center. To see a list of the project titles and investigators, click here.